Walk alongside
strategic fundraising
MCR West is growing and changing!
In addition to fundraising counsel we are now doing Strategic Planning! (Roadmapping)
“Ray brings more than most. In addition to his expertise in fundraising strategy and years of experience, Ray brings humanity with his humility, humour and capacity to connect. “
...Dan Matthys, Miraca
Who we are
MCR Strategic Services Inc., formerly MCR West Ltd., Walk-alongside Fundraising counsel. A fresh approach to consulting.
MCR started almost 30 years ago, and we were a traditional consulting firm using traditional consulting methods. Our clients liked our reports, and their campaigns were successful. But something happened about 10 years ago that has completely changed how we support clients. We started getting calls from clients telling us they needed more. What clients told us was “Don’t do it for us, do it with us. Help make us better”.
They made it clear that they had talented people who needed support to excel. Enter Walk Alongside counsel. A smarter approach to fundraising support.
We don’t write reports that collect dust. We become your trusted advisors. We want our relationship to last for years.

Gordon passed away December 25, 2022
The secret to our success
Success in businesses like ours most often depend on good strategy, a bit of luck, a great product, and the influence of a mentor Someone who often doesn’t work directly in the firm but their stamp on it is indelible and undeniable. MCR owes much to my mentor, Gordon MJ Johnson, who shaped both the values and excellence in practice. Gordon, ‘Mr. J’, is a true luminary, doing what the best guides do; spent considerable time with me, challenged me with very best practic-es, fed me books R.G Letourneau. (mover of Men & Mountains}, Zig Ziglar (Secrets of Closing the Sale), and many more But it is Gord’s-True-to-Self, True to God values that influenced me the most. 50 years and counting! Much is taught, more is caught. Thank you Mr. J for everything you did for me and MCR Strategic.